Guild Rules


NOTE: As always, the Vestige and its officers request that all members (OOC or IC) adhere to the rules and regulations Blizzard has set for us on role-playing servers. For information regarding the E.U.L.A. for Blizzard, feel free to click here, for the rules regarding roleplaying servers, click here. Rules for this guild are subject to change as the needs of the guild and climate of Moon Guard changes. All changes made to the rules will be marked accordingly. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can feel free to speak to an officer in-game or email them to



Here in Vestige of the Phoenix, we want to ensure that our members and officers alike are able to enjoy the game in a fun, safe environment where they can grow as characters and as people. With that in mind, our first rules are concerning the behavior displayed both in the guild and as a whole to the community, as we believe every member is meant to be a representation of the guild and its core values. Violators will be warned of their behavior and continued violations can be subject to guild removal.

  1. All members are expected to show respect to fellow members and the community. Griefing, trolling or otherwise being disrespectful is not tolerated. 
  2. While humor in-guild is encouraged, we ask that if someone is reasonably offended, you apologize and move on. If you find that you are offended, please speak up and say something. If you feel you are not being heard, please come to an officer so we can handle it appropriately.
  3. The following are considered taboo topics and should be approached minimally: politics, religion, and sexual orientation. If the conversation becomes too heated and draws away from the peaceful climate of the guild, the conversation will be asked to be taken to whispers. 
  4. As this is an 18+ guild, adult / mature language is permitted.
  5. All members are expected to treat officers with respect. They are officers for a reason. If you have an issue with an officer, you can take your grievance to another officer within the guild.
  6. Spamming in Trade Chat or any other public chat in-game is a violation of the rules. As members, you are a representation of the guild and your words and actions while under our tag reflect back on us. 
  7. ERP / Cybering is only permitted in private channels between consenting adults. Anyone caught in violation of doing such things in /say, /emote or in public channels will be subject to automatic removal. 


As a roleplaying guild, members are expected to keep a certain level of attendance. Many of our events focus around stories within the guild and its characters, so in order to get something out of the story, you as a player have to be willing to put something into it. Characters (including alts) that show an inactivity of a month or more are subject to removal. Characters removed for inactivity may ber permitted back into the guild if they decide to return, though only at the behest of the officer core. 

  1. For all roleplaying events, characters should be prepared (with all necessary prerequisites: character sheet, proper dice, questlines to prevent phasing) at least 15 minutes in advance. This makes it easier for the event coordinator to collect those who will be in attendance. 
  2. If for whatever reason you are unable to make an event, please have the courtesy to inform an officer and the event coordinator. We understand real-life happens, and it will not count against you.
  3. Event days are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Please plan accordingly.
  4. Non-members are permitted to participate in events; however, if they come as your guest, you will be responsible for their behavior. We welcome those who are interested in both "lamping" and participating in our events, but we ask that all guests show the same respect and follow the same rules as our members while they are there. If your guest is disruptive, both you and your guest can be removed. 
  5. Members are expected to make at least 2 events a week to be considered in compliance with participation standards. 
  6. Our main focus will always be guild events, this means that while we will be more than happy to participate in community events and events of other guilds, anything we have planned takes precedence. 


Your current officers are: 

  • Guild Master --
  • Website Administrator -- 
  • Recruitment Officer -- 
  • Event Coordination Officer --
  • Exchequer Officer -- 

Officers in Vestige of the Phoenix are appointed based upon experience, ability and trustworhtiness. While officers are intended to help ensure the organization of the overall guild and assist in matters of daily upkeep, they are not "superior" to anyone in the guild. Officers are subject to the same rules as members and are held accountable much the same. 

If you, as a member or non-member, find yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable with an officer or have a grievance with an officer, you are to bring such concerns to another officer within the guild and allow them to handle it accordingly. We strive for transparency and accountability, though not all situations will allow for officers to discuss punishments for violations. This is to prevent the offender from feeling in a constant state of punishment within the guild. If you have concerns about such, you are welcome to discuss them with another officer or the Guild Master (Rennali). 


Violations to guild rules are something that we take very seriously. We want to ensure that our members, while mature adults, are still able to find a good, safe place to roleplay, and in order to do that, we have tn ensure that the rules are enforced and have consequences. All members - officer or member - are to be accountable for their actions and words. While we have steps to deal with violations to the rules, some violations require much more expedient or much stronger actions  from the officer core. This is done on a case-by-case basis. In order for our system to work properly, we ask that all members be proactive in ensuring that any violations be taken to officers so an investigation can be done. 

The first step is to speak to the violator and explain to them the rule that was broken and how we can find a resolution to it. Most resolutions are simple apologies or warnings that behavior like that will not be tolerated in the future. Once a warning is given, no further action will be taken so long as the violator in question does not violate any other rule for at least one month. 

If the violator shows a consistency in the same behavior after being spoken to, or elects to violate another rule, further steps will be taken that include a meeting with the officer core to discuss the situation and find a resolution. Depending on the situation, the person may be demoted to a probationary rank where their interaction with the guild is limited including, but not limited to: not being able to speak in guild chat, not having access to guild bank items or repairs, and not being invted to guild events. We call this the "time-out" corner and while we shouldn't have to use it for our member base, sometimes it is handly taking a break from interaction with people to get your head right. This solution's length will be agreed upon by the officer core and the violator in question. 

A person who is removed for a violation is not permitted back into the guild. In some situations, a full removal is justified, and the reason for such need not be discussed in guild chat at any time. If you have questions why a person was removed, you may whisper the officers; however, the officer core does reserve the right not to discuss punishments with those outside of the situation to prevent unnecessary gossip. 


Vestige of the Phoenix does permit alts for full members. Having an alt in the guild means that you have intentions of leveling this alt or playing them at some point. Members must be at the current end-game level (currently: 110) in order to be approved for any alts characters. Members may have a maximum of two character alts aside from their main character. This is to prevent clutter and having bloated numbers. Alts are subject to the same activity rules as mains and even if your alts are not meant for roleplay, they must be logged on at least once a week to prevent inactivity. 


The use of guild chat and Discord is a privelege, not a right. As a guild, we try to maintain a certain level of contact with one another as well as provide a good, healthy social atmosphere. With this being said, we are an 18+ guild primarily for the mature content that can be found in our stories and permitted in our chat rooms. As adults, it is expected that we show a level of decency and politeness to one another. If something is said that is offensive, or causes discomfort, it should be politely brought up that a change of subject should happen. If there is a discourse happening that you would like to continue even after the direction of the conversation is moved, please take it to a private channel or whispers if in-game. To ensure things run smoothly, here are a few alpha rules.

  1. Our Discord is not public. Our Discord is for our guild, our allies and our friends. We do have a "Guest" space for those who wish to have their friends join in the Discord; however, they will be responsible for the behavior of their guest. If a member wishes to join the Discord, they may ask an officer. Members will not have access to inviting to the Vestige Discord. 
  2. Please use appropriate channels. If you want to have a discussion on something, check to see if there is a room available for it. 
  3. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure others understand what you are saying. "That's not what I meant" is not an excuse for any kind of racism, sexism, homophobic or disgusting remarks. Violators will be handled appropriately. 
  4. Your name in Discord should reflect your name in the guild. This is to prevent any confusion as to who you are. 


Recruitment for the Vestige is done through the Moon Guard forums, word-of-mouth and IC recruitment drives within cities and RP "hubspots." We will not recruit on any other third-party websites. If someone is interested in joining the guild, they must fill out an application here on the website for it to be properly processed. Applicants will NEVER be invited to the guild without having a proper application to the guild. Applicants may provide the name of the character who reccommended them to the guild to help us understand which recruitment strategies work the best, also to help foster a connectivity to members already in the guild. 

Applications take 24 - 48 hours to process. This is to give officers the time to go through the application and set up for a proper interview. Applications to the website allow us to view the email you use to apply, and your IP address per the website's abilities. This information does not include any real-life information such as names or addresses and will only be used for the sake of organization on the website. If you have questions about this, please remit them to GuildLaunch directly. 

Once an application has been processed, the applicant will receive an email either accepting or denying them. If an application has been accepted, the applicant will be contacted by an officer for an OOC interview and an IC interview for entrance into the guild. An OOC interview is needed to ensure that we get to know you as the player and determine if you are a fit for us as much as we are a fit for you. All IC interviews will be done through the Chancellery as a census about your character and what they can bring to the kingdom. If an application has been denied, there is always a reason. If an application is not filled out entirely or contains only one-to-two word answers, it can be denied for lack of effort. Denials can reapply within one week and/or bring their concern to our Recruitment Officer: _________ to discuss the reason for denial. 

Putting in an application does not qualify you for automatic admittance into the guild. We reserve the right to deny any applicant for any reason. 


The contents of the guild bank are meant for everyone; however, there are some restrictions to the bank to ensure that we are not depleting our stock while filling someone else's pockets with gold. We are a mini community and everyone should be provided for and accountable of what they take. 

  1. All gold in the bank is to be reviewed by the Exchequer Officer on a weekly basis to ensure that any gold that has been taken is replenished appropriately. This can mean that we plan guild dungeon runs, raids, or ask individuals who have taken out gold for specific things repay the guild bank. 
  2. Only officers have the ability to take out gold, and in limited amounts based on rank. If a person requires the use of gold, or wishes to borrow against the guild bank funds, they must first clear it with the Exchequer Officer and the Guild Master (Rennali). 
  3. Members may take items from the guild bank to use them for leveling up professions, improve their ilevel or transmog. If a member removes an item, they should remind themselves to also provide an item as well. Members who consistently take from the bank and do not resupply it can be demoted from having access to the bank.
  4. Access to the bank is a privelege, not a right.